SCM Newsletter: Your true voice


Welcome back to your bi-weekly dose of inspiring stories. Don’t hesitate to hit reply and share your reflections—your feedback is invaluable and deeply appreciated!

In this issue:

  • Three practices to unlock your authentic power
  • Transform chaos into connection: Meaningful leadership with Tony Martignetti
  • Addressing the gender gap in founder stories

Your authenticity is magnetic 🧲

Staying true to our authentic selves can be a challenge.

Many of us struggle with sharing our voices, hindered by self-doubt, and fear of rejection. This negative self-talk can confine us, making it difficult to step out and be our true selves.

But as Sacred Changemakers, we know that authenticity is not just a personal virtue—it’s a necessity for creating meaningful impact.

When we embrace our true selves, we resonate with those who are meant to hear our message. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher on vulnerability and authenticity, says, “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

Here are three practices to help you stay authentic as a changemaker:

1. Reflect daily: Take time each day to connect with your inner self. Journaling, meditation, or simply sitting in silence can help you understand your true feelings and desires. This reflection will ground you and make it easier to present your authentic self to the world.

2. Find your tribe: Engage with a community that values authenticity. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who support and encourage your true self can create a safe space for you to express your ideas and feelings without fear.

3. Adjust your focus: Don’t worry about people who aren’t your audience. Focus your energy on those who resonate with your message.

As Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Staying grounded in chaotic times

Feeling lost in the chaos of everyday life?
Discover how to stay grounded and find meaning in our latest episode of the podcast with the inspiring Tony Martignetti.
In this episode, Tony shares powerful insights on:
✨ Cultivating meaningful connections
✨ Embracing difficult conversations
✨ Leading with intention and compassion
​“The key part of this is for us to slow down and connect deeper, understand what is important to the people around us, and engage in deeper dialogue to really see who this person is in front of us.”​
Tony reveals how integrating the “3 C’s” can transform your life and the world around you by harnessing the power of Connection, Compassion, and Curiosity. This approach helps leaders and individuals alike to anchor themselves while fostering a humane workplace.

Redefining the founders journey

In the world of entrepreneurship, the classic “hero’s journey” narrative often falls short, particularly for female founders. The romanticized tales of startup success—full of passion, adversity, and ultimate triumph—fail to reflect the true, often challenging, reality faced by many women in business.

Miller Morris’s recent Fast Company article sheds light on this disparity, revealing that the traditional founder’s story can inadvertently breed imposter syndrome and isolation among female entrepreneurs. The reality is far messier and less linear than the idealized version we often hear.

Since at least 2014, all-women founding teams have received less than 3% of venture capital funding. Despite generating 35% higher returns than their male counterparts, women and minority founders continue to face significant barriers, including underrepresentation in media and a lack of visibility for purpose-driven businesses.

To better support diverse founders, we need to embrace:

1. Community approach: Building networks of support where founders can share both their successes and setbacks openly.

2. Impact over profit: Valuing the positive societal impact of businesses alongside profitability and venture capital success.

3. Recognition of all contributors: Celebrating the entire team’s role in the company’s journey, not just the founder, to foster a more inclusive narrative.

By reframing the founder’s journey and addressing these issues, we can create a more equitable and supportive environment for all entrepreneurs. It’s time to share the true, multifaceted stories of entrepreneurship and ensure everyone has the opportunity to shine.


We are delighted to be working with B1G1 as a Business For Good and we’d love for you to join us too. B1G1 helps businesses like ours create great impacts in powerful new ways and do so much more for the world around us.

​Check them out here and use the unique code BM 13056. When you join through our code, 50 days of access to education are given to children in the world.

Editor's pick

"When you're younger, it's easy to underestimate how fleeting the days can be. Each choice matters. Each day matters.
When you're older, it's easy to underestimate how much opportunity you still have. Don't talk yourself out of it. It's never too late to start."
James Clear​

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