SCM Weekly: The power of storytelling


Hello and warm greetings as we embrace the transformative energy of the upcoming solar eclipse! We're excited to share another insightful edition of our newsletter. Join us as we explore profound wisdom and embark on a journey of personal and collective growth.

In this issue:

  • Discover the link between storytelling and personal transformation
  • Harnessing awe: The transformative power of the total solar eclipse
  • From embarrassment to empowerment: Navigating struggles on the road to success

Unveiling the power of strategic storytelling

In a captivating episode of the Sacred Changemakers podcast with guest Kyle Gray, the conversation delves deeply into the transformative power of storytelling for changemakers.
Kyle shares his own health journey in Peru, highlighting the link between gut health and autoimmune conditions that inspired him to help health and wellness experts with empowering storytelling. Together, Kyle and Jayne discuss how strategic storytelling affects the body, perception, and even sales, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's biology and crafting empowering narratives.
Their conversation touches on existential questions of self-identity and the need for a new collective story for humanity, while also exploring the potential impact of technology and the empowering nature of storytelling to inspire positive change. As they share personal experiences and insights, this episode offers a compelling invitation for listeners to harness the transformative potential of strategic storytelling in their own lives and endeavors.

The neuroscience behind the solar eclipse

As the world grapples with political tensions and mental health concerns, an upcoming total solar eclipse presents a unique opportunity for unity and happiness. Scientific research suggests that witnessing this celestial phenomenon triggers a profound sense of awe, leading to numerous mental health benefits.

Psychologist Kate Russo explains that the eclipse evokes primal fear, which is accompanied by feelings of connection and wonder. Studies analyzing social media data during past eclipses have shown spikes in language related to awe, humility, and togetherness. This sense of awe reminds individuals of their place in the larger universe, combating feelings of isolation and stress.

Research indicates that exposure to awe-inspiring events fosters kindness and generosity, even among children. While witnessing the eclipse in person is ideal, cultivating awe in everyday life through simple observations can also yield significant mental health benefits. University of California, San Francisco researchers found that actively seeking moments of awe in ordinary surroundings led to increased positive emotions and social connections.

In essence, the eclipse serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of awe in promoting mental well-being, offering a brief respite from the challenges of modern life. Whether observing the eclipse or embracing everyday wonders, prioritizing moments of awe can have lasting positive effects on mental health and social connections.

The hidden side of success

In the pursuit of success, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our struggles to the seemingly flawless achievements of others. However, the reality is often far from what meets the eye. In "The Me vs Them Effect" the author, Rich Litvin, courageously unveils the hidden side of their journey, offering a candid glimpse into moments of embarrassment and adversity that have shaped their path.

Shedding light on the less glamorous facets of success, recounting instances of client conflicts, financial setbacks, and personal struggles. From being dismissed by a client to grappling with overwhelming debt, each anecdote Rich shares underscores the resilience required to navigate the complexities of achievement.

Amidst these trials, the author acknowledges the tendency to compare their journey to the perceived successes of others—a phenomenon known as the Me vs Them Effect. Yet, through introspection and resilience, they've gleaned invaluable lessons from their setbacks.

There are three ways to deal with the Me vs Them Effect:

  1. Stop comparing your worst moments with everyone else’s highlight reel.
  2. Stop comparing how you feel with how others look.
  3. Stop doing what successful people are doing now and do what they did when they were where you are now.

In the end, success is not defined by flawless achievements but by the courage to confront obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.


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Editor's pick

"You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth. For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of life's procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite."

— The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

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